Saturday, July 25, 2015

Thankful and Confused (2)

As good as it may seem to be told the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams, I actually have somewhat mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I’m thankful that I’ve been told some of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams (and while I haven’t had a dream where I’ve thanked my dragon guide for telling me the messages that he has told me, the closest that I’ve come to that is that I had a dream where I thanked my dragon guide for his guidance).  On the other hand, most of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams – the messages about myself in particular – tend to leave me feeling confused.

Before I go any further, I’m going to go a little bit in depth about the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams.

Some of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams are either about life in general or about myself (though they’re about myself more than they’re about life in general).  These messages tend to be tantamount to wisdom (e.g. the message that there are times when I should listen and times when I should not [listen]), advice out of the blue (e.g. the message that I need to look inside myself to find who I really am), or slight revelations (e.g. the message that there are things about me that I have yet to know).

Some of the other messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams have to do with him and me.  These messages tend to be tantamount to information (e.g. the message that my dragon guide will protect me when he can) or slight revelations (e.g. the message that my dragon guide knows what I have yet to know about myself).

There are messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams that are exceptions to the aforementioned kinds of messages, but they are few and far between.

Anyways, I’ve come to believe that most of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams – the messages about myself in particular – are being told because my dragon guide is trying to guide me towards finding myself, finding out who I am, knowing myself as well as I can, and realizing and fulfilling my true potential.  I also consider some of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams – the messages about life in general in particular – to be wise and deep.

In spite of that, most of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams – the messages about myself in particular – still tend to leave me feeling confused.  This is not because I tend to take these messages with a substantial grain of salt.  Rather, this is because these messages either leave me with questions or answer questions that I have while leaving me with more questions.

I have asked my dragon guide about some of the messages that he has told me, but it hasn’t really helped for the most part.  If I ask him about a message that he has told me (regardless of what it’s about), he more often than not responds by telling me that I will find it out in time (which has turned out to be true on a couple of occasions, but still).  Furthermore, whenever I ask him about a message about myself that he has told me, he always responds by telling me that I will find it out in time.

Even though most of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams tend to leave me feeling confused – and I tend to take such messages with a substantial grain of salt – there have been occasions where I’ve found a message that he has told me in my dreams to be true (but over time, as opposed to doing so right away).  However, this is with regards to the messages about life in general that my dragon guide has told me more than it is with regards to the messages about myself that my dragon guide has told me.

So, while I am thankful that I’ve been told some of the messages that my dragon guide has told me in my dreams, most of them – the messages about myself in particular – tend to leave me feeling confused.  Are the messages that leave me feeling confused messages about things that I will understand in time?  I can only hope so.

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