First off, I’m sorry that I haven’t posted any entries in quite a while. I’ve been rather busy with other things in life.
Anyways, this morning, I had a dragon dream that really didn’t surprise me.
In this dream, I was standing in a stone area. My dragon guide was in front of me while a male centaur (who had long white hair, blue eyes, and the lower body of a white horse) was standing behind me. My dragon guide put one of his talons underneath my chin and the centaur calmly put his hands on my shoulders. My dragon guide and the centaur then told me to be thankful that they are my guardians. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red Western dragon appeared to my right. I turned my head to the right as best as I could and looked at the red dragon. The red dragon looked at me and told me to be thankful that he is a friend of my dragon guide.
What is it about this dragon dream that really didn’t surprise me? It’s the fact that it consisted of me being told to be thankful for certain things, considering that today is Thanksgiving.
Now, you may be wondering who the male centaur and the red Western dragon that appeared in this dream are. Well, I’ll explain that below.
The male centaur that appeared in this dream is another guide of mine that appears in my dreams. Like my dragon guide, he started appearing in my dreams literally out of nowhere – and I had my first dream about him almost one year after I had my first dream about my dragon guide. He always calls me by the name that my dragon guide always calls me by in my dreams and his personality is similar to my dragon guide’s personality (mainly in the sense that he’s trying to guide me towards finding who I am and knowing myself as well as I can like my dragon guide is). He has appeared in some of the dreams that I’ve had about my dragon guide as well. Up until now, I didn’t mention him in this blog at all because I felt that mentioning him in this blog would be trivial with regards to what this blog is about (and at the moment, I don’t know if I’m going to mention him on this blog again or not).
The red Western dragon that appeared in this dream is a male dragon that claims to be a friend of my dragon guide (which is something that my dragon guide has neither confirmed nor denied as of this writing). He started appearing in my dreams literally out of nowhere (and a little while after I started having dreams about my dragon guide), but he hasn’t appeared in my dreams very often. He always calls me by the name that my dragon guide always calls me by in my dreams, but his personality isn’t really like my dragon guide’s personality (in the sense that he’s not trying to guide me towards finding who I am and knowing myself as well as I can, anyways).
With that aside, am I thankful that my dragon guide and my centaur guide are my guardians? Yes, but at the same time, it’s something that I have yet to fully understand.
Am I thankful that the red dragon is a friend of my dragon guide? It’s honestly hard for me to say at the moment.
On a final note, happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it!
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